Your credit reports and scores can determine your ability to buy a car, home and get the lowest rates on insurance and other incentives. Good credit is also important for expanding businesses, home improvement projects, and purchasing large items on credit terms.
The importance of good credit cannot be underestimated, by carefully following your credit scores you can understand credit better.
We dispute all inaccurate, unverifiable or negative items on all three of your credit reports to increase your credit scores wherever possible in 35-45 days.
We hold the credit bureaus accountable to report 100% accuracy on your behalf, based on the Fair Credit Reporting Act requirements.
The results we achieve for our clients are nothing short of amazing, using our strategic, proprietary techniques.
1. We obtain your credit reports and create a plan targeting the questionable negative items affecting your credit score.
2. Dispute negative items with all 3 Credit Bureaus on your behalf.
3. For negative items requiring additional correspondence, we keep the process going and ensure your credit rights are fairly represented.
Only information that is inaccurate, untimely, misleading, incomplete, ambiguous, unverifiable, biased or unclear can be challenged. Anything that is accurate, even though it may be negative, cannot be formally challenged with the credit bureaus.
Choose a plan below

• All price plans include initial $9.95 setup fee and 4 complete rounds of disputes
(or 6 months, whichever comes first).
• First payment after setup fee is auto-debited in 14 days. An additional 1, 2 or 4
payment()s auto-debited at 30 day increments until plan completion.
• Total amount paid will never exceed
• $525 + $9.95 on full payment plan
• $550 + $9.95 on 2 payment plan
• $600 + $9.95 setup fee on 4 payment plan
• Additional optional rounds of disputes available for $99 each