1. Employment history
Aside from your debt amount and your track record of paying your bills, more lenders are adding employment history to the credit checking criteria mix. Creditors may want to review your job history as a means of estimating income stability. A good employment track record—say, two or more years at the same company—indicates you’re stable professionally, and thus a good credit risk. But if you’re employment history is of the job-hopping variety, that could be a cause of concern for lenders, who may either deny you credit outright, or approve your credit application, but at a higher interest rate that helps the lender compensate for the added risk. In case they ask, be prepared to provide a reasonable explanation.
2. Income
Personal income is also a burgeoning factor in loan and credit approvals. Much like employment history, where stability is rewarded with credit approvals and lower interest rates, a steady income indicates to creditors that you have the financial means necessary to cover your debt payments. Any “breaks in the chain” in the form of little or no income, and creditors could view you as a higher credit risk, and place your credit application in jeopardy.
3. Cash flow/liquidity
Lenders increasingly want assurance that you could continue making your loan or credit payments even if you’re incapacitated or laid off. That’s where cash flow comes into the picture. If you run into a financial emergency, creditors want to know if you have any financial assets, like stocks, bonds, money market accounts, or certificates of deposit, that can be used in the short-term to cover your debt in the event of a financial setback. In short, the more liquid assets you have, the more likely you’ll make your debt payments.
4. College degree
A college degree is something of a double-edged sword for credit applicants. While lenders surely recognize the income potential of most college degrees, relative to an applicant with a high-school degree, any burdensome student loan debt could give a creditor pause. In general, college graduates don’t earn big annual incomes right out of the gate. If you add high student loan debt to the story too, lenders may hold back on credit approval, or at the least, offer credit approval but at a higher interest rate. Either way, creditors increasingly are looking at collegiate history as a factor in reviewing credit, especially for younger borrowers without a substantial income and financial payment track record.
5. Length of time in current residence
The longer you reside in one home (especially as the owner), the more likely you’ll be approved for credit. Why? Because “home stability” shows you’ve been able to make your mortgage or rental payments, and thus represent a good credit risk.
6. How often you change cell phone numbers
As we noted above, a stable phone number is a big plus for creditors these days. According to a recent Ford Credit/ZestFinance study, “if the (credit applicant) uses the same cell phone number over and over and over, that helps indicate a level of stability. Stability is usually a very positive indicator for someone to continue to pay on any obligation they have.”
7. Any professional “occupational” licenses
Creditors increasingly view applicants who own professional occupancy licenses in high regard. Official notification that you’re a lawyer, financial planner, doctor, licensed technician or plumber tells creditors that your chances of having a high, stable income are higher than many other credit applicants
Common questions regarding Credit Repair
What do lenders consider when reviewing one’s credit report?
Why should I use a Credit Repair Company?
The most common reasons are that individuals either have already tried themselves with limited results, they can actually make it worse by filing incorrectly or they just don’t have the time to undertake this task. If you decide to use USA Credit Help, you can be assured that you will be receiving the best assistance and service possible.
Who can see my credit report?
Anyone who wants information for a business transaction between you and them may obtain your credit report. This may include an insurance company, a prospective landlord, a prospective employer, a collector or a government official.
How does a Credit Bureau make money?
A credit bureau is a commercial business. It makes money by selling your credit report to others. A person with bad credit means more business for them as such a person applies for credit about ten (10) times more than a person with good credit.
Does paying off my bills repair my credit?
The credit reporting system doesn’t work that way. When you pay an old debt, the negative credit listing doesn’t disappear. In fact, it re-ages and the seven year clock begins again with that negative listing. The most ironic thing is that a paid, current negative listing is not any better than an unpaid negative listing.
How long would it take USA Credit Help to repair my credit?
There is no definite answer, only definite advantages as the time varies depending on the initial credit status of each customer. On average it takes between 90 to 180 days for USA Credit Help to repair your credit, as long as you are sending the credit bureaus back in a timely manner.
Why do Credit Bureaus not want me to use a Credit Repair Company?
The credit bureaus will tell you that it is easier and less expensive to do it yourself. While it may be true that you have the right to repair your credit yourself, many individuals do not have the time, experience and organizational savvy necessary to deal with bureaucracies. You must also spend hours of study to gain a working knowledge of the consumer laws available to you. Many who start repairing their credit turn to a credit repair company after months of work.
How long does information remain on my report?
Credit bureaus report credit information for a period of seven (7) years. Some states have special provisions for collections and paid liens. Chapter 7, Chapter 11 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcies are each reported for 10 years and the date is measured from the date of the filing.
Who are the three Credit Bureaus?
Experian, Transunion and Equifax.
Will the accounts you take off my credit bureau report ever come back?
On average, only 1 out of 10,000 may re-appear on your credit when we remove the account. If an account is sold to another collection company at any time during the “life” of the negative account, it can actually appear twice, (which is not legal), and we would redispute both items at no additional charge, should that occur.
What can you take off of my credit bureau report?
We can take off unverified or inaccurate collections, charge-offs, repossessions, bankruptcies, medical bills, foreclosures, tax liens, civil liens, judgments, student loans, credit card debt, inquiries, slow pays, old addresses, phone numbers and all incorrect names.
What should I do with the mailed credit reports that I get from the credit bureaus?
Make copies and send it to us via fax, 1-844-454-4663, or mail to ___________________San Antonio, TX 78258. You can also email credit reports to usacredithelpllc@gmail.com
How often should I expect to get mail/email from the credit bureaus?
Every 35 to 45 days you should expect to get an updated credit report.
Choose a plan below

• All price plans include initial $9.95 setup fee and 4 complete rounds of disputes
(or 6 months, whichever comes first).
• First payment after setup fee is auto-debited in 14 days. An additional 1, 2 or 4
payment()s auto-debited at 30 day increments until plan completion.
• Total amount paid will never exceed
• $525 + $9.95 on full payment plan
• $550 + $9.95 on 2 payment plan
• $600 + $9.95 setup fee on 4 payment plan
• Additional optional rounds of disputes available for $99 each